
Painless nail restoration through the application of a resin material.


KeryFlex Nail Restoration is a painless, in-office application that restores the appearance of an individual’s natural nails. This system allows for a certified provider to remodel an individual’s damaged nails affected by fungus, defects or trauma. The composite resin creates a flexible, but durable, non-porous nail that allows the remaining natural nail to grow. The KeryFlex nail is an immediate cosmetic improvement providing a natural-looking nail. It is unaffected by acetone, nail polishes or detergents.

How Does it Work?

Similar to a dentist bonding a tooth, KeryFlex Nail Restoration is a procedure in which a resin material is applied and hardened with a special light, “bonding” the material to the nail to restore or improve the nail appearance.

Once bound to the nail, your foot care provider can smooth and shape the nail to appear natural. Nail Restoration can be done in a single visit with your foot care provider.

What Should I Expect?

Once you and your foot care provider have determined KeryFlex is right for you, the damaged nail is trimmed and filed down as much as possible. This may be performed with a nail clipper and or electronic file. Once the nail is prepared, the process of restoring the appearance of your nail begins. After applying a bonding agent, the resin is applied. This material is hardened with an ultraviolet light. The nail is then molded, shaped and filed smooth. Lastly, a sealant will be applied and cured with the light one final time. In most cases, the procedure can be completed in 30 minutes or less but depends on the condition of your nail and number of nails needing to be restored.

KeryFlex application is a cosmetic procedure and not intended to cure a disease. Ideal candidates have mild to moderate impairment caused by:

  • Nail fungus
  • Nail shape changes due to injury
  • Spoon shaped nails
  • Brittle and splitting nails
  • Horizontal ridges
  • Discoloured nails


The Keryflex treatment is provided by a podiatrist in our clinic and is claimable through your selected private health provider.

The Benefits of KeryFlex Treatments:

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General Questions

Here you may find answers to questions some of our clients have asked before?  If you have additional questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us, we’ll be glad to assist.

Yes, you can apply nail polish to a KeryFlex nail just like you would on a natural nail. You can also use nail polish remover without affecting the KeryFlex nail.

KeryFlex is not a treatment for fungal infections or any other underlying nail conditions. It is purely cosmetic, but it can be used in conjunction with antifungal treatments.

KeryFlex is ideal for people looking to improve the cosmetic appearance of their toenails, especially if they are affected by conditions like nail fungus, trauma, or other deformities.

A KeryFlex nail can last up to 8 weeks, depending on the growth rate of the natural nail and lifestyle factors. It remains attached until the underlying nail grows out.

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